Remembering Donald McIntyre

Photo courtesy of The University of Akron.
Donald McIntyre
February 22, 2016
On Feb. 14, Donald McIntyre of the Department of Polymer Science passed away at the age of 87. He attributed 30 years of service to The University of Akron in his field.
McIntyre grew up in Detroit and found his passion for chemistry in high school. He encountered
several teachers that influenced him to pursue a career in research.
In 1949, McIntyre received his bachelor’s degree in chemistry at Wayne State University. He went on to complete a doctorate in physical chemistry from Cornell University in 1954.
McIntyre became a professor of polymer science at UA in 1966. During his time here, he became department chair of polymer science and left as professor emeritus.
Although he was no longer active on campus, his presence still surrounded many who continued to work there. He mentored several incoming professors in his field of study who greatly appreciated him.
“Don McIntyre was deeply committed to students, the academic enterprise, and departmental governance by consensus,” said Mark Foster, associate dean of the polymer science department.
Foster also discussed McIntyre’s concern for his colleagues’ personal life and said that he was an accomplished musician along with all of his other achievements.
Former polymer science Dean Stephen Cheng said he learned a great deal through his experience with McIntyre.
“Dr. McIntyre would always answer any questions I had. He was a scholar, gentleman, classical professor, and wonderful person,” Cheng said.
Cheng said McIntyre set up and refurbished the procedures set out for the field of polymer science, and created a democracy within that department and a distinct writing style that is still used today.
During McIntyre’s 30 years at UA, he affected those around him and played a key role in the department of polymer science.
Ahmed Mohammed Oun • Mar 24, 2020 at 11:40 AM
Professor Donald Mc Intyre was my teacher and research advisor during my study for an MSc in the department of chemistry majored in polymer chemistry in 1973-1975. During that time h has eleven students working for him but he treated me differently. He treated me like a son and he offered me all the help I needed to get my degree in a short period of time. He took me to lunch with him in the faculty language and me and my family to have dinner at his house many times. He let me use his office telephone to call my family in Libya many times. I remember his lecture was late afternoon and it was during Ramadan and the breakfasting time was about in the middle of the two-hour lecture. So I brought my breakfast with me and ate it in the lecture theater. when the lecture was over he asked me about eating at that time. So I told him that it is Ramadan and it is breakfast time. so he decided to give all the class a break at that particular time. I am proud to be one of his students and will always remember him for what he has done for me.
Prof. Ahmed Mohammed Oun
Department Of Chemistry
Faculty Of Science
University Of Tripoli