“It seems like every day another sport is rocked with a steroid scandal and every day, people act like it is going to be the end of the world. Get over it. We’ll never know how many players have used the juice. And who says it’s just athletes on ‘roids? Maybe I’m on them right now.”
It seems like every day another sport is rocked with a steroid scandal and every day, people act like it is going to be the end of the world. Get over it. We’ll never know how many players have used the juice.
And who says it’s just athletes on ‘roids? Maybe I’m on them right now. Maybe I can write faster and report more information than someone who isn’t on a cycle of HGH.
This is the world we live in; get used to it and move on. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I have to buy a new hat. It seems my head has grown.