Rape Crisis Center Hosting Poetry Reading for Sexual Assault Awareness Month
A flyer promoting the event on campus.
March 24, 2019
The Rape Crisis Center of Medina and Summit Counties is hosting a poetry night on April 24, from 6 to 8 p.m. in the Taber Student Union atrium to give survivors of sexual assault a voice and people a chance to read their work.
“We are hoping for students to submit work that is empowering or uplifting in some way, but really anything that students wish to share,” Angelica Corrado, the Campus Education & Outreach Advocate at the Rape Crisis Center, said.
As one of the several events planned by the Rape Crisis Center in accordance to Sexual Assault Awareness Month, the poetry night is a great way for people to express themselves while also relieving stress or anxiety, Corrado said.
Anyone can submit their work by sending it to Angelica Corrado at angelicac@scmcbws.org.
The members of the Rape Crisis Center are asking students to submit their work ahead of time to check for any graphic descriptions that may be triggering and as a way to plan ahead for the event.
“Sexual violence is a topic that a lot of people are uncomfortable talking about, but it is a very pervasive problem and that’s why we try to plan events where students can have a safe space to share their experiences and support survivors,” Corrado said.
The Rape Crisis Center has advocates available to support survivors 24 hours a day, every day via their confidential hotline, 877-906-7273. This hotline offers services such as counseling, hospital advocacy, education and outreach.
The Rape Crisis Center’s main office is located at 974 E. Market St. in Akron. There is also a satellite office at The University of Akron located in room 246 of the Student Recreation and Wellness Center.
For anyone seeking further assistance from the Rape Crisis Center, please call 330-434-7273.