” The Ohio presidential primaries are on Mar. 4, and it’s the first step towards selecting a president to follow George Bush. Voting is a right that no one should take for granted. It’s important to use the rights we have in this country because there are people all around the world that would love to be in our positions.”
The Ohio presidential primaries are on Mar. 4, and it’s the first step towards selecting a president to follow George Bush.
Voting is a right that no one should take for granted. It’s important to use the rights we have in this country because there are people all around the world that would love to be in our positions.
However, choosing not to vote doesn’t make you a bad person. Just as it is anyones right over the age of 18 to vote in this country, it is also their right to choose not to participate.
Many students on campus will decide not to vote during the upcoming primaries because they either don’t know they are going on or because they simply don’t care.
Not caring about voting is your own choice, and many students on this campus feel as though their single vote doesn’t count.
By choosing to vote, you are not necessarily making your voice heard, but you are showing that you care about what’s going on in this country enough to be a part of it.
Don’t let P. Diddy fool you, though.
If you don’t vote, you won’t die.
But before you decide whether or not you care about what’s going on in politics, research the candidates and make an informed decision.
It’s not too much to ask to try and at least be informed on the issues that each candidate stands for, but we realize that it would be unrealistic to think that every student is going to vote.
Whether you are Republican or Democrat, you have a chance to make a choice. Vote or don’t. But don’t go to the polls uninformed.