By: Kayleigh Bracht
Living on campus can be a very exciting experience. To make sure your experience in a residence hall is all it can be, remember that part of the experience is feeling safe.
Here are the top 10 safety tips to follow while living in a residence hall:
1. Lock your door.
Intruders are always looking for an easy way in so they can steal your possessions or cause harm, so keep them out by always making sure to lock your door. Always keep your door locked, whether you are inside or going out. Remember that convenience for you is also convenience for thieves.
2. Do not let strangers into your room or in the building.
If you do not know the person trying to come in behind you, don’t let him or her into the building. That stranger may only be looking to cause trouble in your building.
3. Report missing items right away.
These items could have been stolen or lost; it is always better to be safe than sorry. Tell your Resident Assistant first, and then file a report with UAPD if necessary.
4. Get insurance on your possessions.
Everyone has something that they would feel heartbroken if it turned up stolen. Whether it is an iPod, a laptop, a bicycle, etc., you can get insurance on it!
5. Read the Residence Hall Handbook and learn the rules.
Make sure to learn the rules of your residence hall so you aren’t the one breaking them. Rules are there to keep you safe.
6. Never abandon your personal belongings, even if it’s only for a minute.
It only takes a few seconds for someone to come and take your backpack, which may contain all of your possessions. Textbooks, laptops and phones are all very pricey items and would be extremely expensive to replace if they are stolen. Even in your room, you may know your neighbors, but don’t let them see that you leave your money and valuables lying around.
If you keep your bicycle on campus, be sure to always chain it up well, and take your bike seat with you.
7. Watch your laundry.
If you leave your laundry in the washer too long after it is finished, that is any open invitation for someone to move your laundry for you, or worse, to steal a few items for him/herself.
8. Do not give out any personal information or lend your keys and swipe card to anyone.
Your swipe card is your way of entering your residence hall as well as getting food for the week. If the person you give it to loses it, you are out of a swipe card and will have to purchase a new one in the Zip Card office. The money on your card could be spent before you even realize it is gone, so keep it with you at all times.
Your student ID number, username and password should be treated as if they were your social security number on campus. It is your way of accessing your personal account at the University, an account that contains all the information about you.
9. Report suspicious activities or persons to an RA immediately.
If you are in your residence hall and you notice someone or something that does not seem right to you, tell your Resident Assistant or the Community Assistant at the front desk. Never let anything suspicious go on without saying something.
10.Use your common sense!
The residence halls are already implementing safety measures, so do your part and follow them.
Residence halls are a way to enhance your college experience. Following these simple safety rules can help to keep you as well as everyone living in the building safe.