By: Lindsay Mulhollen
In the four weeks since the semester began, 53 thefts have been reported on campus.

Items including a parking permit, five MP3 players, four GPS units, four laptops, four bikes (two of which were locked), seven wallets, eight cell phones and nine purses/bookbags have been stolen.
“The problem on campus is with people being careless.” senior Nick Wilkinson said.
The University’s Division of Student Engagement and Success and The University of Akron Police offer tips from the Better Business Bureau for minimizing theft. They encourage students to keep their belongings somewhere where they are aware of them; when things are left on the floor they can be easily forgotten. If belongings must be put down, students are encouraged to lean them against their legs so they remain aware of their items.
“I just don’t trust humanity,” senior Melanie Salerno said. “I only once took a nap on campus; when I did, I put my iPod in my pocket, zipped my backpack and put the straps around my legs. My things were not being stolen on my watch.”
Students are also encouraged to leave things they don’t need at home. With 19 miscellaneous electronics stolen this semester, The Better Business Bureau tells students to ask themselves if they really need their GPS, iPod or laptop during school hours, or if it can wait until they get home.
“How would I listen to music in class if I don’t have my iPod?” asked senior Anthony Codispoti.
Since the beginning of the semester, multiple cars have been broken into with items such as multiple GPS units, a parking permit, mp3 players, a checkbook, a car stereo and gasoline reported missing. Students are encouraged to not leave their belongings in parked cars because they are common targets.
If belongings must be left in a car, the trunk is the best location. According to the University Police website, “Students are warned to not leave their possessions alone even for a minute.”
University Police also advise that, “You may think the people in the coffee shop seem nice enough, but asking someone you don’t know to keep an eye on your stuff isn’t securing it in any way.”
According to University Police, “90 percent of campus crimes are crimes of opportunity.” If the opportunity can be reduced, the potential for the crime goes down.
If you are a victim of a crime, or if you see a crime happen, University Police requests you report it immediately. University Police can be contacted at 9-1-1 for emergencies and (330) 972-2911 for non-emergencies.