“Last week, the College Republicans unanimously voted to condemn a Buchtelite opinion piece. On Wednesday, the Buchtelite staff condemned the College Republicans. Sound stupid? No kidding. What does it mean to condemn a column? Does it make it disappear from the archives? Does it even matter? Unfortunately, the Buchtelite doesn’t have the space to run the College Republicans’ Official Condemnation.”
Last week, the College Republicans unanimously voted to condemn a Buchtelite opinion piece.
On Wednesday, the Buchtelite staff condemned the College Republicans.
Sound stupid? No kidding.
What does it mean to condemn a column? Does it make it disappear from the archives? Does it even matter?
Unfortunately, the Buchtelite doesn’t have the space to run the College Republicans’ Official Condemnation.
We’re not making this up. The group officially issued an Official Condemnation and it’s officially a doozy.
The greatest part of the Official Condemnation is how the Republicans take issue with Kevin Curwin’s poorly phrased arguments. Are the College Republicans moonlighting as the grammar police?
Well, we take issue with their comma and semi-colon usage. So there.
What we really take issue with, however, is the fact that this organization has no qualms about squandering the time and energy of its members.
Surely there are more important and pressing issues facing the campus community than an opinion piece in the campus newspaper.
Instead, the College Republicans could redirect their energy into organizing an event or planning a community service project.
How about voting on whether to participate in Make a Difference Day?
Or whether to collect much-needed items for the Battered Women’s Shelter in recognition of October being Domestic VIolence Awareness Month?
That would be a silly distraction from more pressing matters like getting fired up over the opinion of a liberal student.
While we are flattered that the Buchtelite occupies such an important position in the lives of the College Republicans, we’d prefer that were not the case.
We’d much rather that the College Republicans focus on something productive.
In fact, why in the world is a student organization taking the time during a meeting to discuss, analyze and condemn Buchtelite articles?
If these students think this is a valuable and efficient use of their time, we know of another organization that would be perfect for them: ASG.
Perhaps when the College Republicans meet next, they could collect warm clothing and blankets and take them to Grace Park to distribute to the homeless.
If they spent their time in that manner, everyone would feel good: the recipients of their generosity, the College Republicans, for making a difference in someone’s life, and the Buchtelite, because we would have effected positive change.
And gotten the College Republicans to stop directing their negative energy at us.