Join The Buchtelite
Interested in joining the Buchtelite?
Students interested in the Buchtelite can participate in one of two ways:
Student Organization Member/Officer – by joining on RooConnect and completing the virtual training, any student can become a member of the Buchtelite student organization and run for office. Reporters, designers, photographers and editors who are student organization members do not receive course credit, but participate fully in the life and process of the paper. (You can start any time during the semester with this option).
1-Credit Co-Curricular – students who register for COM 232, The Buchtelite, will also complete the virtual training. They will have a specific number of articles to contribute per semester to earn the course credit. Up to three credits can be used for a Communication Elective, for students studying Communication. If you have questions, or would like to see a syllabus before signing up for credit, you can contact advisor Julie Cajigas at
Buchtelite meetings are currently held every other week in The Buchtelite office Rm 228. The Buchtelite has an office space on the second floor of Kolbe Hall. Meeting attendance is highly recommended, but not required to participate. If students cannot make the meeting, they are asked to check in twice weekly with the editor-in-chief with updates on their story progress.
If you have questions, reach out to the advisor, Julie Cajigas, at
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