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The Editorially Independent Voice of The University of Akron

The Buchtelite

The Editorially Independent Voice of The University of Akron

The Buchtelite

The Editorially Independent Voice of The University of Akron

The Buchtelite

Danger to Title IX: Enough is Enough

By Nick Golina, [email protected] October 12, 2016

On behalf of the Aspiring Educators Program at The University of Akron, it is the position of our organization that, indeed, enough is enough. There is no excuse for Trump’s recent comments that suggest...

John Zogby, David Cohen, James Holland, and Cyndra Miller participate in the panel "The Transformative Power of the Millennial Vote in the 2016 Presidential Election."

EXL Launch Week day one: introductions, millennials

By Zaina Salem, Grant Morgan, and Dylan Reynolds March 2, 2016

“The notion that you have to pick between what you love and paying the bills is absurd,” said Jeff Hoffman, co-founder of Priceline and founding director of The University of Akron’s new EXL Center. A...

Students face off, civilly

By Dylan Reynolds, Writer November 2, 2015

The College Republicans and the College Democrats met in Kolbe Hall last Thursday, Oct. 29, for their first annual debate. The event was hosted by No Labels of Akron and Pi Sigma Alpha.   The purpose...

War on science

April 11, 2012

Written by: Matthew Balsinger   The state of Tennessee has joined an increasing trend in largely Republican-controlled southern states in declaring war on science education. On Tuesday, Tennessee...

Starbucks Considers Sponsoring Republican Candidates

February 1, 2012
Politics, like the definition of a Santorum, is a filthy and sometimes frothy business. I heard recently that Starbucks, in a shrewd move that’s sure to please conservatives, has considered sponsoring a number of Republican presidential candidates with their own brands of frothy fun. For Rick Santorum, that Mighty Mouse of conservative ideals, Starbucks thought of going with their quintessential, non offensive, conservative drink, the Caffè Latte.

President Stephen Colbert

January 26, 2012
Nation, South Carolinians are speaking loud and clear. Granted, it’s in a slow southern drawl, a drawl that is only slightly faster than our University’s response to the shocking crime wave terrifying our campus that recently began a short 24 months ago.
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