The University of Akron Takes Stance on Student Protests
March 1, 2018
On February 27, 2018, The University of Akron’s official Twitter account shared a graphic stating, “If high school students participate in peaceful protests and/or civil action and receive a disciplinary action at their high school, it will not impact their consideration for admission or scholarship at The University of Akron.”
Some of the responses to the Twitter post included users saying, “Way to go Akron U!”, “Honestly, go Zips.”
“I feel that it’s important for students to stand up for what they believe in and in the aftermath of the Parkland shooting, we have seen a significant number of high school students taking part in these protests to say enough is enough. I am glad that the University made this statement and is encouraging students to be catalysts for change,” UA student, Kelly Unger said.
Kim Gentile in Admissions worked with enrollment management and the Provost’s office to approve the statement.

“The University of Akron has been monitoring the national conversation surrounding this topic. UA believes some prospective students will be relieved to know participation in thoughtful, legal protests will not impact admissions/scholarship decisions at the University,” said Dan Minnich, Director of Media Relations at The University of Akron.