Women and Weights, a free fitness program through the Student Recreation and Wellness Center, is returning following a five-year hiatus for spring semester. The program aims to bring women on campus together while building their confidence and motivation to explore more of the fitness world.
Students and Rec members interested in starting their fitness journey can take advantage by registering now. Registration for the free program ends Tuesday, Feb. 25 at 11:59 p.m. though, so interested students should register quickly.
Through Women and Weights, students can join a community of women who can learn together about women’s bodies and how to use the equipment in the Recreation Center at the University of Akron.
Madelynn Hill, manager of fitness at The University of Akron Student Recreation and Wellness Center, will be teaching the classes along with her students, who will help throughout the sessions.
The program is split into two sessions to ensure maximum accessibility for those with busy schedules.
Session 1 classes are on Feb. 26, March 5, March 12 and March 19 from 4–5 p.m. in Studio A, and Session 2 classes are on Feb. 27, March 6, March 13 and March 20 from 6:30–7:30 p.m. in Studio B.
Women and Weights will feature a variety of activities, ranging from educational presentations on topics like women’s health to more hands-on activities like instruction in proper lifting techniques and group exercises.
“Our biggest goal is to have an educational portion and then a fun portion,” Madelynn Hill said.
The class will begin with an educational portion where Hill will discuss how to be active during the menstrual cycle, how women’s hormones affect their motivation, and finding goals in the proper way by creating a community around yourself.

“These are mainly common questions that I get from a lot of girls that come into the office,” Hill said, “I figured it was best to get everybody in one room and answer all these questions as best as possible.”
After the educational portion, Hill will take everyone through a group exercise class. This will give women the opportunity to go over proper form in resistance training.
Hill will then take the class down to the recreation fitness floor to show what is available to students and demonstrate how to use the equipment.
The recreation studios are full of equipment from dumbbells to kettlebells to pilates equipment to aerobics steps to mats. There is plenty of equipment for everyone in attendance.
“My goal was to build community and have people feel a sense of purpose,” Hill said, “I don’t like people feeling lost, so I want to be that light for people.”
She encourages anyone interested to give the program a try.
“You just have to put your foot in the door, and that’s what we’re here for—to get people in the door,” she said.
Registration for the program is free and open until 11:59 p.m. on Feb. 25.
There are only 15 spots for each session, but Hill hopes to have the classes return in Fall 2025 for those who can’t join this spring.
Questions? Talk to Madelynn Hill mrh168@uakron.edu or check out more classes and events on the University of Akron Recreation Center’s website.