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The Editorially Independent Voice of The University of Akron

The Buchtelite

The Editorially Independent Voice of The University of Akron

The Buchtelite

The Editorially Independent Voice of The University of Akron

The Buchtelite

Photo Illustration by Ted Boyer

Celebrating 400 years of Shakespeare in Bierce

By Nick Peterman April 20, 2016

This Friday, April 22, UA will host “Shakespeare in the Spring” to commemorate the 400th anniversary of Shakespeare's death. From 1:30 p.m. till 5:00 p.m. in Bierce Library, UA’s English Department...

24-hour Hackathon planned for Bierce Library

By Dylan Reynolds April 6, 2016

Registration is currently open for the EXL Center’s first hackathon, set begin Friday, April 15, and continue until Saturday. The event, which will take place in Bierce Library, is formally known as...

Students plan historical exhibition

By Dylan Reynolds April 4, 2016

Students in The University of Akron’s new Museums and Archives certification program is planning to exhibit a collection of artifacts related to old buildings that the University has purchased and refurbished....

Students need a microwave in Bierce Library

By Tyra Porter, Student Writer March 16, 2016

Bierce Library offers a variety of resources for students. For instance, we have librarians to help students with research and a tutoring lab for math and writing. Students can rent laptops and movies....

John Zogby, David Cohen, James Holland, and Cyndra Miller participate in the panel "The Transformative Power of the Millennial Vote in the 2016 Presidential Election."

EXL Launch Week day one: introductions, millennials

By Zaina Salem, Grant Morgan, and Dylan Reynolds March 2, 2016

“The notion that you have to pick between what you love and paying the bills is absurd,” said Jeff Hoffman, co-founder of Priceline and founding director of The University of Akron’s new EXL Center. A...

Career/EXL in the Student Union, along with Create/EXL in Bierce Library, start operations later this week, after more than nine months of preparation and construction.

EXL Launch Week

By Grant Morgan, Managing Editor February 29, 2016

The EXL Center, a new initiative at The University of Akron led by co-founder Jeff Hoffman, will launch this week with a series of events from Wednesday through Friday. “We’ve been...

UA Press hiring

By Samantha Hickey, News Editor September 23, 2015

The UA Press, whose staff positions were eliminated as part of the administration’s sweeping summer cuts—then partly reinstated after weeks of community outrage—is now looking for another faculty...

ASEC library could close

ASEC library could close

By Grant Morgan, Managing Editor September 14, 2015

UA’s Science and Technology Library, located in the Auburn Science and Engineering Center, could close. The library’s operations—supporting students in the “health and life sciences, engineering...

Finals preparations

By Sofia Syed, Arts & Life Editor April 30, 2015

It’s that stressful time of the semester again where students are pulling all-nighters and cramming for finals. The Union and the University Libraries are helping students alleviate their stress by...

3D printer on the first floor of Bierce Library at the User Support Services desk.

Bierce to renovate, promote 3D printer

By Kristina Aiad-Toss, News Writer March 2, 2015

Many improvements are being made to Bierce Library to help students study more efficiently and to make the library more accessible. Stephanie Everett, manager of marketing communications at Bierce,...

The Big Big Mess: Akron reading series departs

April 19, 2012

Written by: Maggie Duff When the typical Akronite embarks on a quest for culture in the city, he or she generally visits EJ Thomas Hall, the Akron Art Museum, local galleries or maybe even a jazz club...

Procrastination: a constant worry for students as midterms approach

February 15, 2012

By: Katelyn Freil Midterm exams are quickly approaching, and students may be wondering how they got here so fast. For those who procrastinated and didn’t keep up with their school work, this can be...

Roo needs routes

February 15, 2012

By: Diana Perez Being a student that goes to the Public Library often, I feel like there should be a Roo Express that stops by more often. Yes, there is a Roo that stops by, but that’s only on Sundays...

E-book evolution and the future of print

November 10, 2011
“The more you read, the more things you will know. The more that you learn, the more places you’ll go.” Dr. Suess expressed frequently in his books that the path to bettering one’s place in life is through education, particularly through reading. However, the question is no longer where we will go through the reading of books, but instead where the physical books are going. In a society that prides itself on advancements in technology, where does the traditional print book fit into the picture?

Bierce Library's secret treasure: the tutoring center

September 8, 2011

By: Matthew Balsinger Tutorial services, located in the basement of Bierce Library, offers a vast array of student experts ready and willing to help students with any problems they might face in their...

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