Zips brace for flu season

William Singer

Student Health Services, which recently launched its new website, can be found in the SWRC.

By William Singer, News Editor


The impending flu season is upon us this can be a perilous time for both students and faculty all over the country. There are hundreds of medication and prevention methods available at drug stores, but there are also many natural and unconventional ways to fight influenza virus.

Danielle Hanna, a buyer for New Earth Naturals in Cuyahoga Falls, spoke about some of these products that can help shorten and combat illness this winter.

“My favorite is oil of oregano because it works as an antiviral, antibacterial and antifungal. No matter how you got it, no matter what it actually is, in the first couple days you’re going to notice a huge difference,” Hanna said.

She suggested a few other natural methods to combat the dreaded virus.

Colloidal silver is another supplement that shares the properties of oil of oregano. Colloidal silver is very gentle, but powerful in its ability to combat the flu.

If someone is suffering from the stomach flu, an activated charcoal supplement can be taken to calm some of the flu’s more unpleasant symptoms. The supplement binds to toxins in the stomach and induces vomiting. Hospitals use activated charcoal in cases of overdose and poisoning for this very reason.

Hanna also explained a remedy which does not involve ingesting anything, but rather, taking a bath.

“A bath with apple cider vinegar and epsom salt pulls the toxins out another way, and you would actually feel quite a bit better doing that a couple times a day,” Hanna said.

All of these products are natural and are made from ingredients from all over the world. One product which is designed to shorten the flu and ease its symptoms was made from the pelargonium sidoides root known to be from South Africa.

Alma Olson, Director of Health Services at The University of Akron, stressed that flu shots remain the most effective way to fight the flu.

“Everybody should get a flu shot. The best place for students to get flu shots is, if they have healthcare insurance to go to Walgreens or CVS and they have them there. If you don’t have healthcare insurance, come here (Student Health Services, located in the Rec Center) or the College of Nursing to get them,” said Olson.

According to Olson, students should also stay away from people who are sick and wash their hands often.

“Since the flu is a viral illness,” Olson explained, “there are no antibiotics that cure it, because viruses cannot be cured by antibiotics.”

“Being a viral illness, it’s all going to be supportive care. So, if you’re not in respiratory distress, which would be a sign to go to the emergency room, then you’re going to take care of yourself at home,” said Olson.

Olson also outlined the methods she believes to be the most effective in battling the illness once it is contracted. First, those who get sick should rest as much as possible, which includes staying home from work or school.

Second, those with the flu should also drink as many fluids as possible, except anything with caffeine or alcohol because they can cause dehydration. Clear fluids like water and electrolyte drinks are best when recovering from illness.

“There is some scientific evidence out there that chicken noodle soup –although it sounds like an old wives’ tale –chicken noodle soup does help,” Olson said. “The ingredients in soup will help loosen up mucus, as that is one of the big problems with the flu.” Gargling salt water also helps to break up mucus as well as soothing a sore throat.

New Earth Naturals is located at 1605 State Road in Cuyahoga Falls and is open Monday through Friday from 9 a.m. to 7p.m. and Saturdays from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Student Health Services is located in the Student Recreation and Wellness Center and is open from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday.

The views expressed in articles and interviews published by The Buchtelite are not necessarily endorsed by or representative of The Buchtelite or it’s affiliates. Any medical advice taken by readers is done so at the reader’s own risk.