“Nursing students assisted Noelle in giving birth every four minutes at the Learning Resources Center in the Nursing College on Friday. All of the patients, including the three babies, are high fidelity simulators new to the Learning Resource Center. The newest addition is the birthing suite with mother Noelle and babies Corbin, Musson and Regents.”
Nursing students assisted Noelle in giving birth every four minutes at the Learning Resources Center in the Nursing College on Friday.
All of the patients, including the three babies, are high fidelity simulators new to the Learning Resource Center. The newest addition is the birthing suite with mother Noelle and babies Corbin, Musson and Regents. The simulation lab now has nine high fidelity mannequins in its own hospital ward with the new birthing suite.
The simulators are mannequins that can mimic real patients in any patient care situation. There are not many differences between the mannequins and a real patient: each of the high fidelity mannequins breathe and have pulses.
The goal is to suspend disbelief, said Martha Conrad, director of the Learning Resources Center.
I have a pain in my chest, said one of the mannequins from a computer command prompt as a tear streamed down his plastic face.
After each simulation, students go through a debriefing session where the recordings can be played back allowing students to analyze after the simulations.
The high fidelity simulators are very ethically and soundly safe, said Conrad. She further explained that they allow students to experience situations and learn what to do before practicing on people.
The simulations are controlled and monitored by faculty instructors behind a one way mirror in the control room. Each of the scenarios are computer generated from any possible patient care situation.
The scenarios teach students how to respond. Students would say that it increases their confidence, Conrad said.
It’s great because we’re able to apply what we’ve learned in classes, said senior nursing student, Hillary Mills.
The addition of the simulation center to the college of nursing bridges gaps to prepare students for experiences they will encounter with real patients.
The simulation center and birthing suite cost $500,000 and was funded through donations from the Mary S. and David Corbin Foundation, the R.C. Musson and Katharine M. Musson Charitable Foundation and the Ohio Board of Regents, University System of Ohio.