Written by: Nancy Stone
Bags under the eyes, shuffling feet, bottomless coffee, and a draining stare.
This can only mean one thing: it’s midterm time!
Students all over campus are striving to get great grades, but at the cost of suffering from stress.
How do students deal with midterm stress?
“To cut down on stress, I make sure I get everything done right on time. I schedule everything out and just work by it,” said Melissa Naumann, undergraduate student at The University of Akron.
Stress can be a real problem among students during midterms, and it can easily get out of hand. The key to dealing with stress is to catch it early.
“I sleep in between work, school and studying,” said Kelsie Butcher, graphic design and digital imaging major.
Sleep should definitely be a part of your daily routine, even if it sacrifices time with friends, because no one should take a test while sleep deprived.
“I take at least one night off for myself and go dancing,” said Kara Treen, interior design major.
As simple as it sounds, taking a break can bring someone back revived and ready to work.
Good time management, sleep, and a break can go a long way when it comes to midterm stress.
Remember these simple tips when it comes to stress, and you too could avoid the effects of a stress-ridden zombie.