On Thursday, Feb. 13 students interested in leadership can attend a virtual Student Success Series session with keynote speaker Mike Ciammaichella, senior vice president of strategic development at the Ruhlin Company.
The virtual meeting is from 5 to 6 p.m. and RSVPs are requested.
Ciammaichella graduated from The University of Akron in 1984 with a Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering. He cites his love of watching heavy equipment operate and his desire to work outdoors as his inspiration for majoring in Civil Engineering.
Ciammaichella serves as Senior Vice President for Ruhlin Company, an Ohio-based construction company. With more than 41 years of construction experience, he has worked on highways, bridges, solid waste facilities, brownfields remediation, and industrial energy projects and has worked in both the public and private sectors using the General Contracting, Design-Build and CMR delivery methods.
Currently, Ciammaichella develops and implements strategic and long-range initiatives to enhance company growth across all market sectors and to strengthen Ruhlin’s competitive position within the construction industry in Central and Southern Ohio.
A member of the IDEAs Advisory Council, Ciammaichella is focused on helping students.
When asked why he joined, he said, “To help University of Akron Engineering students be better prepared to enter the job market,” and “to support Dr. Zhao in her endeavor to provide services to underrepresented students.”
Hosted by the Increasing Diversity in Engineering Academics (IDEAs) Program and the Women in Engineering (WIE) Program, the Student Success Series strives to create a supportive, inclusive environment for STEM students at UA and provide opportunities for connection with peers, faculty, staff, alumni and industry professionals.
“For [our] Student Success Series and Alumni Speaker Series, we invite alumni and industry professionals to share their knowledge, expertise, and insights on a variety of topics,” Neete Saha, director of diversity and inclusion said. Saha leads both series.
The students who attend learn about industry expectations while networking and expanding their professional networks.
Saha wants students to “build confidence in their future careers,” he said.
Where the upcoming student success series event covers leadership skills, future series sessions are planned to cover a variety of topics including engineering ethics, networking, resume building, interviewing, and the graduate school application process. Some sessions are virtual, while others are held on campus.
While most of the series events feature a keynote speaker, the Student Success Series also holds a networking event that brings 20 to 30 industry professionals to campus.
IDEAs and WIE events are geared toward students in the College of Engineering and Polymer Science, but others with an interest in leadership or career issues are also welcome.
“In fact, a few students from other colleges have participated in some of our past events,” Saha said.
The Student Success Series is just one example of the events IDEAs and WIE coordinate to offer opportunities for students.
“For over 30 years, IDEAs and WIE programs have been dedicated to advancing student success and retention through mentorship and personal and professional development opportunities,” Saha said.
The virtual meeting with Mike Ciammaichella is Thursday, Feb 13 from 5 to 6 p.m. Click here to RSVP.