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The Editorially Independent Voice of The University of Akron

The Buchtelite

Tuesday, March 25, 2025

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The Editorially Independent Voice of The University of Akron

The Buchtelite

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The Editorially Independent Voice of The University of Akron

The Buchtelite


Buchtelite Photographer Philip Patnode takes top prize in Bierce Library Haiku Contest

Buchtelite Photographer Philip Patnode takes top prize in Bierce Library Haiku Contest

April 23, 2024

The University Libraries celebrated National Poetry Month with their annual haiku contest. All UA students, faculty, and staff were invited to participate. Haiku submissions could cover any topic or subject...

A leaf blown by the wind in an autumn setting

Leaf: a poem

By Scott Kenimond, Copyeditor October 18, 2023

In the hazy embrace of clouded light, a leaf once tethered to the boughs of belonging, drifts aimlessly in the indifferent sky. Once green and flush with the vitality of shared memories, now a silhouette...

An apple tree filled with lots of red apples  photo - free Michigan Image on Unsplash

giving tree: a poem

By Emily Price, editor in chief October 16, 2023

i didn’t realize i was the giving tree, and that the apples you took were actually made for me.

Poster courtesy of Open Mic Night organizers AshBelt Journal and Upstart Crows.

UA’s Upstart Crows and AshBelt Journal hold Open Mic Night at the Green Dragon Inn, Oct. 5

By Nate Young, Managing Editor October 4, 2023

Ever written a piece of creative writing without a good outlet to share it? An open mic night is the perfect opportunity.   The Upstart Crows and AshBelt Journal student organizations at The University...

White swan on water during daytime photo - Free Uk Image on Unsplash

The Swan’s Rapture: a poem

By Emily Price, editor in chief September 27, 2023

Your wings are mine to keep. Our pond of emotion has stilled from fickle skipping stones. The ripples of insecurity stretching into oblivion. Encircle me with your promise...

Courtesy Engin_Akyurt on

Poem: Plastic

By Lauren Folk, Copy Editor February 19, 2023
This poem appeared in the Fall 2022 magazine print edition. Grab your copy on campus today.
Original Graphic Created by UA Press Student Assistant, Rhye Pirie

University of Akron Press Hosts Holiday Book Sale at Bierce Library, Nov. 28

By Emily Price, Copy Editor November 23, 2022

Love to read or write? Check out the University of Akron Press holiday book sale on Monday, Nov. 28,  from 12 – 3 p.m. With a variety of titles available, interested students and staff alike can select...

Copyright: Copyright (c) 2020 Roberto Galan/Shutterstock.

The University of Akron kicks off Diversity Week with Drag Bingo, Monday Nov. 7

By Camryn Moore, Correspondent November 6, 2022

The University of Akron is celebrating Diversity Week with events Nov. 7–11 to represent, educate and celebrate the diverse Zips on campus. “We want all of our UA students to feel like they have...

University of Akron campus.

Undergraduate Student Organization Upstart Crows Creates Zine

By Summer Torok, Emily Price March 8, 2022
Upstart Crows is an undergraduate student organization whose individuals share a love for writing.
Advertisement of the Two-Sentence Horror Story Contest.

Bierce Library Announced Winners of Two-Sentence Horror Story Contests for UA Students, Staff, and Faculty

By Emily Price, correspondent November 22, 2021

The University of Akron Bierce Library announced the winners of their latest creative writing competition for students, faculty, and staff on Oct. 29, 2021. Their latest challenge was advertised as the...

A flyer promoting the event on campus.

Rape Crisis Center Hosting Poetry Reading for Sexual Assault Awareness Month

By Amanda Piekarz, Arts & Entertainment Editor March 24, 2019

The Rape Crisis Center of Medina and Summit Counties is hosting a poetry night on April 24, from 6 to 8 p.m. in the Taber Student Union atrium to give survivors of sexual assault a voice and people a chance...

The Rethinking Gender Series tackles hard to talk about subjects like domestic violence, sexism, and crime on college campuses.

Rethinking Gender Series: Gender, Crime, Poetry

By Amanda Piekarz, Arts & Entertainment Editor February 25, 2019

Women’s Studies is scheduled to hold two more Rethinking Gender talks before the end of the spring semester, according to their events page. With the emergence of Five-Star Fridays, students should...

Poetry for People Who Hate Poetry: Volume 4

Poetry for People Who Hate Poetry: Volume 4

By Dave Lucas, Syndicated Poet Laureate December 11, 2018

What makes poetry, poetry? Ask that question of a dozen poets, scholars or readers and you’ll get as many different answers, maybe more. Some won’t be much help: “Poetry is the sort of thing...



By Megan Parker, Copy Editor December 5, 2018

Editor's Note: The writer would like to clarify that the contents of this article were originally written several years ago for poetic purposes only. The following poem does not necessarily represent...

(Image via Pexels)

Music Defined

By Megan Parker, Copy Editor November 28, 2018

Sounds cascade my mind; Through my ears they reach, Music’s beauty is one of a kind. Comfort in them I find, The noise never bleak, Sounds cascade my mind. Skillfully written notes in line, Illiterate...

(Image via Pixabay)

Poetry for People Who Hate Poetry: Volume 3

By Dave Lucas, Syndicated Poet Laureate November 28, 2018

“I never got poetry,” someone says to me again. And I sigh. Because I never got it either—at least, not until I learned to stop worrying about “getting it.” In fact, “get”—with its connotation...

(Image via Pixabay)


By Angel Gulyas, Guest Poet November 9, 2018

I close my eyes and breathe deeply. The lavender, the grass, the lilies, everything. The wind blows gently across it making it dance, Rippling the tall grass as it goes and blowing my hair along with...

(Image via Pixabay)

Carnival of Rust

By Jordan Wood, Guest Poet November 9, 2018

When does it stop His never-ending ride Pulling ahead Yet never making a stride He cannot please When does it cease Stuck in a never-ending loop loop loop Below him the lights twinkle and dance in...

(Image via Pixabay)

Spotlight of the Full Moon

By Jordan Wood, Guest Poet November 6, 2018

There’s supposed to be a full moon tonight, they said. There’s supposed to be blood in the moon they said. There’s blood inside me but that doesn’t make me a marvel to look at either. Well...

(Image via Pixabay)

Do You Want One?

By Will Carney, Guest Poet November 6, 2018

I know it is coming. All the signs are there, all the warning bells and flashing claxons: “WARNING! WARNING! PREPARE FOR IMPACT!” I feel my gut clench and my palms start to sweat, and I wipe them preemptively...

(Image via Pixabay)

The Blacker The Berry

By Bethany Boyer, Guest Poet October 26, 2018

The blacker the berry, the sweeter the juice. Too white for the blacks, too black for the whites. A constant feeling of you having to choose. Stop denouncing my identity and roots. Though...

(Image via Pixabay)

Poetry for People Who Hate Poetry: Volume 2

By Dave Lucas, Syndicated Poet Laureate October 26, 2018

This is a love story. This is the story that led me here, writing to you about how and why I fell in love with poetry, and what I think you can find there, too. No story ever gets love—or life—quite...

(Image via Pixabay)

Poetry for People Who Hate Poetry: Volume 1

By Dave Lucas, Syndicated Poet Laureate September 28, 2018

“I, too, dislike it.” -Marianne Moore, “Poetry” But you don’t hate it. At least that’s what I hope you’ll discover as you read this column. I don’t want to convince you that you should...

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